Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Importance of the Beta Leaker

The non-disclosure agreement. An agreement that binds those in testing to secrecy so that they will not reveal any information to the general public. The bane of the fan, hungry for any pieces of information, a bastion for developers who wish to control the development of public perception. 

A topic that has recently consumed the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic. An MMO produced by the Bioware division of EA that has held a very tight grip on the information that was being released to a fan base that has been stewing in hype since the announcement of Beta in September of 2009. 

A company whose grip has been so tight, it has inevitably forced information to squeeze through it's fingers. Driving the demand from the official website to sources beyond it's control as the demand for information drowned out the need to adhere to the NDA.

With social media giving players across many platforms the instant availability of information players have turned from official forums and news outlets to the most direct means of satiating their appetite for new swtor information; the #swtor twitter feed

The anonymity of Social Media has given birth to the means of the Beta Leaker to get their information quickly to the masses of hungry fans. Fans who will have their thirst quenched, ethics be damned. 

Bioware has done away with the need for an open beta, citing "too many testers signed up" opting to keep the majority of their fans in the dark when it comes to what exactly the game will be like keeping a hands off approach, and a trickle down of information. 

Because of this the unethical process of #swtor leaks has skyrocketed. Players streaming their play sessions, recording and sending off screenshots, and divulging every single piece of information that is possible to give out. At this point there is nothing about SWTOR that is available to be known that is not public knowledge. Even sites leaking information about Collector's Editions and pricing, either intentionally or unintentionally, the moment there is something new to be known about SWTOR, #swtor lets us know. 

Beta Leakers are an important part of the hype. Giving fans outside of the beta, inside knowledge. Allowing the discussion of topics to continue outside of the closed beta forums. Giving voice to concerns and issues, actually helping the development process by thinking of ways to help with systems that are in the game and by holding accountable a company for decisions that could hurt or harm the outcome of the launch. 

The Beta Leaker although not condoned by the publishers and even some of the more ardent fans is a necessary evil and outlet of information. Without whom a large portion of the gaming community would simply grow to frustrated or tired with the slower pace of information. The Beta Leaker allows a company to get information out, behind the blanket of "denial".

Whether you support or condemn them, The Beta Leaker will always exist, for SWTOR and beyond, and I for one am thankful for their existence. 

What is your stance on Beta Leakers? Leave your comments, tips, tricks below :) 


  1. I've just discovered them and although they cure my craving for more knowledge there are some articles and pieces I won't look into. I like to be able to see all of what they offer. But at the same time I don't want to go too far and ruin the experience for myself. It's tough thing to balance.
